

Approve Content in the Dashboard

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    Approving Content

    Before you get started keep in mind, when you initially receive login information for the Dashboard you will also receive an email with a link to approve all content according to your subscription. 

    There are three ways you can approve the content. 

    1. You will receive an email before the 20th of the month for the following months content.

    2. The second way is finding the approval link in the dashboard by clicking Approvals in the left hand column. The most recent approval should be up at the top. Click the title link below title and you will be redirected to the page where you can view and approve content. 

    3. The third way  is viewing all of your content on the content calendar and approving it one by one. Select Calendar on the right hand menu and then click a post. Blue means that it’s already been approved and red means it still need to be approved.

    4. Choose requires approval to approve the content. You can also edit the captions be selecting the 3 dots in the right hand corner.

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    Our Goal is to help people without digital backgrounds build and grow their churches.