As a result of the Covid pandemic, churches all over the world have been forced to rethink everything from growth, ministry and outreach to culture, demographics, and their use of technology. This has only accelerated trends that have been happening over the last decade as churches rushed to embrace new approaches and technologies. Is it possible to stay relevant, engage your members and reach new people without embracing this “new normal”? Do the ways we used to operate as a church still work? Are they still relevant and effective? If our mission is to reach and engage people with the Gospel, I would say there’s a very good chance not.
Before the pandemic there were 6 things church leaders may have thought would be nice to have but when the pandemic hit, these 6 things became critical components of church ministry. If you’re serious about engaging your current members and reaching new people, every Church Leader should consider prioritizing these 6 critical components of Church Ministry. This week we will be covering the first three components:
Is it possible to stay relevant, engage your members and reach new people without embracing this “new normal”?
With in-person meetings getting shutdown everything became virtual overnight. So how do people find your church? Most people search on google “churches near me” which then leads them to your website. Yet how is your website doing? Have you updated it in a while? Is your website design and layout made for people in a Covid-19 world? I have been on several church websites that don’t clearly state when and where their church meets? Does it give people clear expectations for what to expect when they come to your service? Does it have a style and design that speaks to the people you are trying to reach? If you need help or assistance with your website, layout, or structure please don’t hesitate to reach out! We would love to connect you with a specialist at Church Freelance.
Online giving platforms have become essential. It is estimated that as much as 85% of a church’s giving now takes place on-line. While this trend was already in place prior to the Covid pandemic, it has been accelerated as churches move quickly to eliminate any barriers to giving that may exist with restrictions placed on in-person attendance. While a church can survive without a sophisticated Church Management System (CMS), you absolutely must provide a way for your congregation (both in-person and virtual) to give online. This includes text-to-give which has become a popular option for a younger demographic. What are the barriers that you are experiencing as you move to implement on-line giving for your church? Are they financial related, CMS interface issues, migration problems or just the steep learning curve involved? Let us know what is keeping you from implementing this critical component of ministry growth. We have freelancers available who are experienced in the many options available and can help you make this leap if you have not already done so or are struggling with the technicalities.
Churches that had no on-line presence before the pandemic rushed to put one into place so that their congregations could continue to worship “together”. Church leaders scrambled to make the on-line experience an acceptable substitute for in-person service. I remember the first week we held an online service – we recorded everything on Saturday, edited it, and then premiered it on Sunday as a “live” service. We didn’t have the technology to just jump into livestreaming. When we finally acquired the appropriate equipment, there was a steep learning curve for our tech staff and teams. In many cases churches don’t even have a dedicated tech member on staff. So how do you achieve excellence without the expertise to execute it. Reach out to us and we would be happy to connect you with a specialist on Church Freelance.
How is it possible to produce a high quality and trouble free live stream without the necessary expertise on board?
This week we’ve covered three of the six relatively new critical components to Church Ministry. Check back in next week to get the next three!
This is a ton of stuff to keep up with. With every one of these components comes the reality that you will have to become a specialist at it. These first three critical components can become very time consuming as you learn how to optimize each one. That’s why we’ve created Church Freelance. It’s a freelance marketplace designed to serve you and your churches needs.
Ministry today can be very difficult. Keeping track of social media engagement, email newsletters, church management software’s, video and graphics is a lot to keep up with. Learn about 5 essential moments where hiring a freelancer could accelerate your ministry.